Egypt: Imprisoned pacifist blogger Maikel Nabil Sanad in solitary confinement
(24.05.2011) Nabil Sanad has been moved to solitary confinement at El Marg prison.
Maikel Nabil Sanad was sentenced to three years’ imprisonment on charges of "insulting the military" by the 10th of Ramadan military court in Nasr City near Cairo on 10 April 2011 (see co-alert, 11 April 2011). The sentence was ratified on 12 May 2011, and announced on 22 May 2011.
At the same time, Maikel Nabil Sanad was moved to solitary confinement at El Marg prison. Before, he was imprisoned in a special punishment cell at El Marg prison, which did not allow him to see any sun light. In addition, his cell mates did threaten him. Maikel Nabil Sanad demanded to see a doctor, as he suffers from unstable blood pressure and needs regular medication and medical attention. Only one week ago, he was finally able to see a doctor.
He also requested to be transferred to the prison hospital, where it would be easier to assist him in case of a medical emergency. Where he was imprisoned before, it would have been impossible for him to get attention at night.
While moving him to solitary confinement might be seen as a response to threats from his cell mates, it is still a punishment, and usually considered as torture.
War Resisters’ International calls for letters of support to Maikel Nabil Sanad:
Maikel Nabil Sanad, El-Marg prison, El-Kalag, El-Khanka, Qalyubeya, Egypt
War Resisters’ International calls for letters of protest to the Egyptian authorities:
Director of Military Judiciary, Major-General Ahmed Abd Allah, Military Judicial Department, Cairo, Egypt, Fax: +202 2 402 4468 / +202 2 411 3452 (ask for fax)
Minister of Defence, His Excellency Muhammad Tantawi, Ministry of Defence
Cairo, Egypt,;, Fax: +20 2 2 5748 822
A protest email can be sent at
War Resisters’ International calls on the Egyptian authorities to immediately release Maikel Nabil Sanad and all those other activists arrested during and after the revolution.
War Resisters International (WRI): Egypt: Imprisoned pacifist blogger Maikel Nabil Sanad in solitary confinement, May 24, 2011
Keywords: ⇒ Egypt ⇒ Human Rights ⇒ Imprisonment ⇒ Maikel Nabil Sanad