#ObjectWarCampaign – New material – Nuevo material – Nuovo materiale

(06.02.2024) Dear campaigners,

In a few weeks it will be the anniversary of the start of the war in Ukraine. Many actions are being prepared for that day, calling to end the war.

We have prepared thematic material that you can also use at the actions to raise awareness about the  #ObjectWarCampaign and show solidarity to those who are objecting war.

We created images, graphics and videos ready to be used digitally and/or to be printed and used in person actions.

We encourage you to share them among your organizations and networks and utilize them.

- posters A3 portrait. The idea behind these posters is to wear them as a sandwich. Simply connect two posters with a string, hang them up and you’re done. Download: (de, en, es, it, ru)

- posters A3 landscape. To hold up. A stick glued/tacked on helps to ensure good visibility. Download: (de, en, es, it, ru)

- banner 300cm x 100cm. (de, en, es, it)

- Flyer of the #ObjectWarCampaign. Download: (de, en, ru)

- Rudi Friedrich has recorded a video on the #ObjectWarCampaign, which is available in German with subtitles (en, es, it, ru)

We are working on some more materials that we’ll share shortly, especially for social media actions, together with more updates.

Connection e.V., February 6, 2024

Keywords:    ⇒ Asylum   ⇒ Belarus   ⇒ CO and Asylum   ⇒ Conscientious Objection   ⇒ Russia   ⇒ Ukraine