Conscientious Objectors In Turkey Need Your Support to Continue Their Struggle
Newsletter March 2024
(11.03.2024) We are writing you once again inform you about our Conscientious Objection Watch donation campaign and ask for your support. As the Conscientious Objection Watch, we received many applications from conscientious objectors in 2023. In these applications, most of the objectors asked for information about the human rights violations and restrictions they experienced and requested support from our organization. In Turkey in 2023, the most common rights violations/restrictions that conscientious objectors were subjected to were violations of the right to work and restrictions on freedom of movement. Due to the non-recognition of the right to conscientious objection, conscientious objectors in Turkey are constantly subjected to "civil death" as defined by the ECtHR.
Below you can find the letter written to you by Hüseyin Civan, one of the conscientious objectors with whom the Conscientious Objection Watch is in solidarity. We need your valuable support to provide sustainable legal support to conscientious objectors in Turkey and strengthen our advocacy for the right to conscientious objection.
We hope that you will heed the call for donations made by Hüseyin Civan, a conscientious objector from Turkey, for our organization.
Many thanks for your support!
Conscientious Objection Watch Team
"Conscientious objectors continue their struggle against the militarist culture and violence in Turkey under very difficult conditions"
Hello there. I am Hüseyin Civan. I have been involved in the antimilitarist struggle since 2009. As an anarchist individual, I became a conscientious objector because I reject the massacre of the oppressed in every war that the powers that be wage for their own interests; to prevent my will from being usurped and imprisoned under the yoke of a power I do not believe in; and because I refuse to let the armies usurp the lives of countless brothers and sisters.
Conscientious objectors continue their struggle against the militarist culture and violence in Turkey under very difficult conditions. The situation we call "civil death" is perhaps the most intense and visible form of this pressure.
As a conscientious objector, I could not continue my education on which I built my life. Because in Turkey, conscientious objectors are not able to continue education since they do not fulfill their compulsory military service at a certain age. I could not work in insured jobs. Because in Turkey it’s illegal to hire any "man" who did not fulfill his compulsory service. This process, which forces me to work in unregistered and short-term jobs, directly affects not only me but also my family. I refrain from traveling due to regular identity checks carried out by the police and gendarmerie during urban and out-of-city trips. Because I am being worn out by these identity checks and endless questions because I am a conscientious objector. A simple trip becomes challenging and stressing for both me and the family I travel with. Many legal procedures, such as the official documents filed against me, administrative fines imposed and investigations launched, because I am a conscientious objector, make my life as a conscientious objector increasingly difficult, in addition to the restrictions and pressures I face in my daily life.
In Turkey, Conscientious Objection Watch runs a particularly important work to make these violations of rights experienced by us, conscientious objectors visible, to provide us with the legal support we need, and to socialize our existence. In the age of wars we are in, when militarism imposes itself more and more in every geography, Conscientious Objection Watch is making visible what objectors are going through in Turkey, standing in solidarity with them and advocating the right to conscientious objection despite all difficulties.
The struggle of conscientious objectors like me to make visible the violations of their rights and to show solidarity is very important. As the political pressures intensify in our geography, social pacification, different forms of violence becoming a part of life, etc., the support of Conscientious Objection Watch is very important for us.Being for peace and defending peace is not a crime. Conscientious objection is a human right. As a conscientious objector from Turkey, I call you to donate for Conscientious Objection Watch which defends those in favor of peace and supports conscientious objectors as the only organization in Turkey.
In solidarity,
Hüseyin Civan
Conscientious Objection Watch: Conscientious Objectors In Turkey Need Your Support to Continue Their Struggle, sent as email on March 11, 2024.
Keywords: ⇒ Campaign ⇒ Conscientious Objection ⇒ Projects ⇒ Turkey