Here is a brief description of the #RefuseWar global action and how you share your contribution in the interactive map where individual statements refusing war and thus military service and in support of constructives alternatives to it and solidarity with, for instance, conscientious objectors, deserters, and war resisters. This way, we demonstrate that many people around the world refuse militarism, war, and war preparations!
How to join the #RefuseWar action?
We invite you to join the #RefuseWar global action campaign by declaring your refusal of the military service in your country and/or your solidarity with conscientious objectors, deserters, and war resisters worldwide. This is an international public campaign aiming at questioning and interrupting the hegemonic public discourse favoring the militarization of societies worldwide, it is not an appeal to officially declare your conscientious objection to the military authorities in your country -although you may use it as you may wish it- (read more why under “disclaimer”).
We collect all kinds of declarations and statements – whether they consist of just a few sentences or a comprehensive text, a photo, or a video statement, that is up to you and your preferred way of sharing your thoughts of resistance to war (avoiding any violent wording). You are also welcome to make use of our template and complete the sentences: „I object/refuse to …“ and „I stand for …“.
You have three options to join in the #RefuseWar global action:
- You can contribute acting directly in the interactive #RefuseWar map where all submitted and authorized statements are published. Once you have uploaded your contribution – click on the little pink plus bullet, and the let system update the map – it will then take a little bit for your statement to be shown.
- You can create a written statement, a photo, or a short video (no longer than 30 seconds) and upload it to your social media accounts adding the hashtag #RefuseWar. You also find templates for printing a poster here which you can use for a photo to be posted.
- You can use a form to share all relevant data with us (your name, location, statement, and link to the optional publication on your social media) here. After uploading your contribution, you will receive an automatically generated link via email to authorize the publication of your contribution -personal contact information will not be published- (please click on the confirmation link!). We will then post your contribution on the interactive #RefuseWar map.
- And you can simply send us an email to and we will publish your statement on #RefuseWar.
We are looking forward to your contribution to the interactive map: distinct statements against militarism and war, a variety of reasons and considerations to refuse war, and in solidarity with all those who object to military service and resist war efforts worldwide.
Thank you for joining the #RefuseWar global action and for passing along the word!
More information
For more information please visit the websites of War Resisters’ International, Connection e.V. or European Bureau for Conscientious Objection.
Connection e.V., War Resisters International and European Bureau for Conscientious Objection. April 25, 2024.