Bremen International Peace Prize for Connection e.V.
Please donate to support conscientious objectors, deserters and war resisters
(19.06.2024) A few days ago, Connection e.V. was awarded the Bremen International Peace Prize, a prize awarded by the foundation die schwelle in the Bremen Town Hall in Germany.
Every two years, the schwelle foundation selects candidates for the Bremen International Peace Prize. With this award, the foundation honours people and organisations that set a good example in their work for peace, justice and the integrity of creation. Peace activists from all over the world nominate a large number of people and projects, from which the foundation’s jury selects the award winners.
We feel honored to receive this Peace Prize and understand it as an award for our international work supporting conscientious objectors to military service and deserters. We dedicate this prize to everyone who objects to war.
Unfortunately, many wars are waged at the moment of writing – but where there is war, there are people who say no because they do not want to take part in the violence and crimes created by war. We support them – wherever they are.
Two years ago, we launched the #ObjectWarCampaign to pay particular attention to thousands of people from Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine who have withdrawn from the war in Ukraine, who refuse to fight, and who desert. This campaign has been receiving great support from more than 120 organizations across Europe.
Help us to continue this important work. Donate to the #ObjectWarCampaign to support organizations working under difficult conditions in the countries involved in the war or working from exile. Your donation will have an important impact. Thank you very much!
You can easily make an online donation or use this account for bank transfers: DE47 5055 0020 0006 0853 77 (Sparkasse Offenbach).
Thanks a lot
Marah Frech, Rudi Friedrich, Zaira Zafarana and Franz Nadler
Connection e.V.: Call for donations, June 2024
Keywords: ⇒ Arbeit von Connection e.V. ⇒ Friedenspreis