April - June 2024: Activities and Developments on the Right to Conscientious Objection in Turkey
Newsletter of the Conscientious Objection Watch Initiative
(25.07.2024) Hey,
this is Merve Arkun, Conscientious Objection Watch Coordinator. I am writing to inform you about the latest issue of the Conscientious Objection Bulletin, which we publish periodically.
In the latest issue, you can find the experiences of conscientious objectors in Turkey between April-June 2024. In the period April-June 2024, conscientious objectors in Turkey were subjected to many rights violations and restrictions, from violations of the right to work to restrictions on freedom of movement. You can click here to access the full bulletin.
Below you can find a brief summary of Conscientious Objection Watch’s activities in April-June.
Enjoy your reading!
Merve Arkun
Conscientious Objection Watch
May 15th Statement by Conscientious Objection Watch: "Conscientious objection is a powerful form of protest"
"As the number of those who refuse military service and wars grows every day, we need to strengthen our solidarity against the prison sentences, discrimination and other serious risks that conscientious objectors face," said Conscientious Objection Watch in a statement released on the International Day of Conscientious Objection, reminding once again that conscientious objection is a human right. Published on May 15, 2024, the full statement can be accessed here.
Screening of the Documentary "Shalom-Salaam-Peace" and Talk in Izmir
On Friday, May 17th, Conscientious Objection Watch organized its first event within the scope of the International Day of Conscientious Objection at IDA in collaboration with Izmir Solidarity Academy and FemArtAct. Following the screening of the documentary "Shalom-Salaam-Peace", translated into Turkish by Conscientious Objection Watch, a talk was held with director Alexia Tsouni. You can find the details of the event here.
Second Screening of the Documentary "Shalom-Salaam-Peace" Held in Diyarbakır
Conscientious Objection Watch organized its second event as part of the International Day of Conscientious Objection on Saturday, May 18th at Mordem Sanat in collaboration with FemArtAct, Amed War Resisters Initiative and Cultural Research for Peace Association. The screening was followed by a talk with director Alexia Tsouni. You can find details about the event here.
The First Two Interviews of the Interview Series prepared by Conscientious Objection Watch have been published
The first interview of the video series features the experiences of Kenan Kahya, who declared his conscientious objection in 2017. You can watch the interview of Kenan Kahya on here, who faced many restrictions and breaches, from the violation of his right to work to the restriction of his freedom of movement, for refusing compulsory military service.
In the second interview of the series, the experiences of Kemal Soylu, who declared his conscientious objection in 2020, were shared. You can watch Conscientious Objector Kemal Soylu’s interview here.
Conscientious Objector Lawyer Gökhan Soysal’s Individual Application Rejected by the Constitutional Court on the Grounds of "No Constitutional Significance"
Conscientious Objector Lawyer Gökhan Soysal filed a lawsuit for the annulment of an administrative fine imposed on him without a legally finalized payment order, however it was rejected. Soysal took the matter to the Constitutional Court and his application was found inadmissible on the grounds of "lack of constitutional significance".
Conscientious objector Gökhan Soysal is preparing an individual application to the European Court of Human Rights regarding this rejected application.
Interim Resolution by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on Violations of the Right to Conscientious Objection in Turkey
Eighteen years after the European Court of Human Rights’ first judgment in favor of conscientious objector Osman Murat Ülke, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe added a new one to its interim resolutions on violations of the right to conscientious objection in Turkey. In the interim resolution dated 13.06.2024, the Committee recalled that all necessary measures should be taken to ensure that all negative consequences of the violations faced by the Ülke Group applicants are swiftly remedied. In its interim decision, the Committee of Ministers called on the Turkish authorities to provide information on the issues addressed in the Country Group Cases by the end of March 2025. Link to the Interim Resolution: Ministers‘ Deputies, Interim Resolution CM/ResDH(2024)126. June 13, 2024. Ülke group v. Turkey (Application n° 39437/98)
Merve Arkun: April-June 2024: Activities and Developments on the Right to Conscientious Objection in Turkey. Newsletter of the Conscientious Objection Watch Initiative. Send via email on July 25, 2024.
Keywords: ⇒ Antimilitarism ⇒ Conscientious Objection ⇒ Conscription ⇒ English Material ⇒ Human Rights ⇒ International Resolutions ⇒ Militarization ⇒ Objectors Report ⇒ Peace Movement ⇒ Project Reports ⇒ Self Organisation ⇒ Turkey