Become a member of Connection e.V.

We are delighted that you are interested in becoming a member of Connection e.V.. Our work is financed almost exclusively by donations. Regular contributions help us to carry out our work in a qualified and continuous manner.

If you would like to support the work of Connection e.V., please fill in the form below and estimate your own contribution.

Supporting members with an annual contribution of at least €60 will receive the newsletter "KDV im Krieg" (Conscientious Objection in war) (only in German) with five issues per year via online delivery.

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 Personal Information 

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I would like to contribute to the work of Connection e.V. regularly.

 Method of payment 

I give my debit order for the following SEPA-account:

I will make the donation to the following account of Connection e.V.: Sozialbank, IBAN: DE48370205000007085700, BIC/SWIFT: BFSWDE33MNZ.

Newsletter »KDV im Krieg«

From an annual amount of at least 100 € we will gladly send you the German newsletter »KDV im Krieg«, which is published 5 times a year, via online delivery. Please choose

Please send me/us the newsletter »KDV im Krieg« via online delivery

I/We don't want to get the newsletter »KDV im Krieg«

 eMail News 

I/We subscribe to the eMail News of Connection e.V. (In German only) (Please fill in your eMail address in the above field "eMail")

I/We oppose to receive any eMail or information further on.

I/we took note of the Data protection

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