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Photo: Yurii Sheliazhenko

Ukraine: Jehovah’s Witness Jailed for Conscientious Objection to Military Service

(10.01.2025) Today Jehovah’s Witness Volodymyr Baranov was placed to pre-trial detention by Darnitsky District Court of Kyiv, judge Olha Prosalova. The court decided he could be released on the bail 180 000 UAH.

Looking Back on 2024

While Turkey Insisting on not to recognise the right to conscientious objection, we need your support

(09.12.2024) Dear fellows,

As we approach the end of 2024, we are pleased to send you our annual report summarizing our work over the past months and the experiences of conscientious objectors in Turkey. In this report, you will find a summary of the activities we have carried out throughout 2024 and the developments regarding the right to conscientious objection. We would be glad if you share our report within your own network and interested contacts.

South Korea: Reject Martial Law, Resist Unjust Orders, and Defy Abuses of Power

(04.12.2024) Am 3. Dezember erklärte Präsident Yoon Suk Yeol abrupt das Kriegsrecht. Park An-su, der zum Befehlshaber des Kriegsrechts ernannt wurde, verkündete die Dekrete des Kriegsrechtskommandos. Diese Dekrete stellen eine schwerwiegende Beeinträchtigung der verfassungsmäßigen Rechte wie Pressefreiheit, Veröffentlichungsfreiheit, Versammlungs- und Vereinigungsfreiheit dar. Sowohl die Ausrufung des Kriegsrechts durch den Präsidenten als auch die Dekrete des Kriegsrechtskommandanten sind Maßnahmen, die die Demokratie ernsthaft bedrohen.

Belarusian conscientious objector has won a decisive court case in Lithuania

(04.12.2024) Dear friends,

Today, I am thrilled to share some excellent news: a Belarusian conscientious objector, Vitaly Dvarashin, has won a decisive court case in Lithuania, overturning a deportation order.