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South Korea: Reject Martial Law, Resist Unjust Orders, and Defy Abuses of Power

Uploaded 04.12.2024

(04.12.2024) Am 3. Dezember erklärte Präsident Yoon Suk Yeol abrupt das Kriegsrecht. Park An-su, der zum Befehlshaber des Kriegsrechts ernannt wurde, verkündete die Dekrete des Kriegsrechtskommandos. Diese Dekrete stellen eine schwerwiegende Beeinträchtigung der verfassungsmäßigen Rechte wie Pressefreiheit, Veröffentlichungsfreiheit, Versammlungs- und Vereinigungsfreiheit dar. Sowohl die Ausrufung des Kriegsrechts durch den Präsidenten als auch die Dekrete des Kriegsrechtskommandanten sind Maßnahmen, die die Demokratie ernsthaft bedrohen.

UN Human Rights Committee Calls on Turkey: Recognise the Right to Conscientious Objection

Uploaded 12.11.2024

(11.11.2024) Dear fellows, I am sending this e-mail to inform you about a recent observation by the UN Human Rights Committee. The UN Human Rights Committee considered Turkey’s second periodic report and reports from different civil society organizations during its meetings in October and issued its concluding observations in a document on 7 November 2024.

Israel: Hundreds of soldiers threaten to refuse to fight in Gaza

Uploaded 07.11.2024

(21.10.2024) 130 soldiers have published an open letter and are threatening to refuse to serve unless a hostage release deal is signed immediately, and in effect, a ceasefire deal that could put a stop to Israel’s assault. Many of the signatories have already declared their refusal.

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Photo: Zaira Zafarana

Connection e.V. briefs the UN human rights committee on Greece

Uploaded 05.11.2024

(21.10.2024) Connection e.V. delivered an oral statement on the violations of the right to conscientious objection to military service in Greece during the formal briefing at the UN human rights committee in Geneva. It raised as well as concerns about the lack of follow up and implementation on the Petromelidis case.