International Day of Conscientious Objection 2021 

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armenisches Militär, Foto Timo Vogt

Ermenistan-Azerbaycan Savaşında Türkiye

(11.10.2020) Dün, 2 haftalık savaşın sonunda Ermenistan ve Azerbaycan arasında ateşkes anlaşması sağlandı fakat gelen ilk haberlere göre anlaşmaya uyulmadı. İki eski sovyet ülkesi, on yıllardır çoğu Azerbaycan tarafında olan ve nüfusu Ermeni ağırlıklı olan Dağlık Karabağ bölgesi yüzünden anlaşmazlık yaşıyor. 6 Ekim 2020 tarihli bahsi geçen bu yazıda, Türkiye´den gelen vicdanı retçi Beran Mehmet İşçi tarafından Türkiye´nin bu savaştaki rolü anlatılmıştır. (d. Red.)

Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe urges Turkey to recognize the right of conscientious objection

(04.06.2020) The Deputies 1. recalled that these cases concern the applicants’ repetitive prosecutions and convictions for refusing to carry out compulsory military service as pacifists and conscientious objectors, as a result of which they are compelled to lead clandestine lives amounting to “civil death”, and the absence of a procedure to establish their status as conscientious objectors;

Türkiye’deki vicdani retçilerin durumuna ilişkin

(04.06.2020) The Deputies 1. recalled that these cases concern the applicants’ repetitive prosecutions and convictions for refusing to carry out compulsory military service as pacifists and conscientious objectors, as a result of which they are compelled to lead clandestine lives amounting to “civil death”, and the absence of a procedure to establish their status as conscientious objectors;

Merve Arkun

Merve Arkun, Turkey: Conscientious objection: anti-war action and rejection of male-dominated codes

Video on YouTube channel Refuse to Kill

(15.05.2020) Hello. I’m Merve. I am one of the female conscientious objectors in Turkey. My justification for clarifying conscientious objection is also directly related to the denial of gender roles and the rejection of male dominance in social life. Unfortunately, the women here feel the full burden of the war in economic, political and social terms, as a result of the fact that the geography we live in is a geography of war. So an act of conscientious objection is both an anti-war action for women and a highly valuable one for the rejection of male-dominated codes within society. (...)

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