Asylum in case of desertion and conscientious objection - legal information 

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Russian objectors: Two remarkable court rulings raise hope

(03.02.2025) A few days ago, the Berlin Administrative Court issued two rulings granting subsidiary protection to Russian conscripts. By doing so, the Administrative Court challenged a landmark decision issued by the OVG Berlin-Brandenburg in November. "This is a truly remarkable development. It has been recognized that Russian conscripts are indeed at risk of being recruited into the Russian army to fight in the war in Ukraine," explained Rudi Friedrich, Executive Director of Connection e.V., today. "This protection must now be extended to Russian conscientious objectors who can be called up as reservists."

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(15.08.2024) Несколько дней назад в прессе появилась информация о том, что украинским мужчинам призывного возраста не будут выдавать проездные документы (эрзац-паспорта) для иностранцев. Connection e.V. и PRO ASYL призывали к этому еще в мае этого года. Министерство труда, интеграции, молодежи и социальных дел земли Гессен (нем. Hessische Ministerium für Arbeit, Integration, Jugend und Soziales, HMAIJS) заявило, что для тех, кого это касается, допустимо поехать в Украину для получения паспорта и выполнения воинской обязанности. Как же следует понимать это заявление?

Photo: Wikimedia

Ukrainian draftees under pressure

(15.08.2024) A few days ago, the press reported that Ukrainian men of military service age will not be issued travel documents for foreigners. Connection e.V. and PRO ASYL had called for this in May 2024. The Ministry of Social Affairs in the German county Hesse had refused to issue travel documents, stating that it was reasonable to expect those affected to travel to Ukraine to obtain a passport and fulfil their military service obligations. How should this be assessed?

Two years after the start of the war: PRO ASYL and Connection e.V. criticise asylum rejections of Russian refusers

(21.02.2024) Two years after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) continues to reject Russian refusers and obliges them to return to Russia. Connection e.V. and PRO ASYL are alarmed by the BAMF’s reasoning, which ignores the risk for Russian refusers of being recruited in a war that violates international law.