Asylum in case of desertion and conscientious objection - legal information 

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Sans avoir des secours, faire appel à déserter, est n’est pas responsable

(20.09.2022) Le président du Conseil de l´Europe, Charles Michel, exige-en avril 2022 des soldats russes qu’ils désertent et leur promet protection. Que s’est-il passe avec cette annonce ? D ou elle est cette annonce ?

Photo: DoD

Ukraine suspended right to conscientious objection to military service

(05.09.2022) As the Ukrainian Ministry of Defence informed the Ukrainian Pacifist Movement a few days ago, due to martial law the right to conscientious objection existing in Ukraine has been suspended: According to the law, alternative service is a substitute for military service, which must be performed for a limited period of time. "Due to martial law, since 24.02.2022 the temporary military service in Ukraine is no longer implemented. Therefore, the implementation of alternative service is not applicable."

Ukraine: Conscientious objectors sentenced to several years in prison

(05.07.2022) In May and June 2022, at least two conscientious objectors in Ukraine were sentenced to suspended prison terms for several years. This became known through the publication of the sentences in the State Register on Court Sentences in Ukraine. Both conscientious objectors had declared their conscientious objection before the Military Commissariat. In one case, they were sentenced to three years’ imprisonment suspended for one year, and in the other to four years’ imprisonment suspended for two years. Since both can be called up again, they are thus threatened with serving the long prison sentence already handed down and being sentenced again.

Europe-wide call for protection and asylum for deserters and conscientious objectors from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine

Appeal to European Parliament and Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe

(09.06.2022) In a joint appeal to members of the European Parliament and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, a broad civil society alliance from 20 countries has called on the European governments to grant protection and asylum to Russian and Belarusian as well as Ukrainian conscientious objectors and deserters. They need immediate protection and asylum.