Project from Connection e.V. 

Israel: Solidarity with Israelian conscientious objectors

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Shahar Perets, Foto: Oren Ziv, Magazine +972

Israel: Another 30 days in prison

(24.10.2021) I just spent my 19th birthday behind bars and I’ve already served two prison sentences and spent 28 days in jail. Last Thursday I was tried again and sentenced to another 30 days in prison. I will continue facing recurring incarcerations for my refusal to cooperate with the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian Territories.

Action October 31, 2020.

Conscientious objectors: An unconvenient truth for Israel

(14.09.2021) Considering Israel’s never-ending involvement in war and conflict, it is not surprising that the phenomenon of conscientious objection has taken root there, and that the number of adherents has grown as the country has become more involved in “wars of choice” and oppressive occupation, rather than wars of self-defense.

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Shahar Perets, Photo: Oren Ziv, Magazine +972

Shahar Perets, Israel: „I don’t want to wear a uniform that symbolizes violence and pain“

(01.09.2021) Shahar Perets, who was sentenced to prison for refusing to join the Israeli army, talks about meeting Palestinians for the first time, her visits to the West Bank, and how Israeli society represses the occupation.

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Israel: The storm which Netanyahu enleashed

(12.05.2021) “The government is playing with fire all of us get burned! In a desperate attempt to cling to  power, Netanyahu is dragging us into war, killing and suffering and pain for both peoples. Stop the escalation! Cease the fire! Stop the expulsion of families from Sheikh Jarrah, stop the police rampage in East Jerusalem. There can be no peace and no quiet as long as the West Bank lives under occupation and Gaza suffers a suffocating siege. The solution: an end to the occupation, an end to the siege of Gaza, and the establishment of a Palestinian state alongside Israel, with East Jerusalem as its capital. We all deserve to live in freedom and security. The time to act is now!”