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Onkruit never dies - Onkruit vergaat niet

Video about the anti-militarist actions in the 1970s and 1980s in the Netherlands

(14.08.2023) In the 1970s and 1980s, the anti-militarist action group Onkruit (with a t) was very active with direct actions against army, conscription and the arms industry. The name ‘Onkruit’ refers to No Gunpowder (Kruit in Dutch). Under the name ‘Onkruit does not perish’, the activists of that time have resumed their struggle. They made a movie.

The film was made by independent filmmakers Huib Schoonhoven and Karen Kuiper, with the cooperation of freelance journalists Jacqueline Maris and Marnix Koolhaas. (37:10 Dutch with English subtitles)

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Christine Schweitzer in Berlin

Gallery: Protest Against a Possible Entry into the War in Ukraine by Belarus

Support Conscientious Objectors and Deserters

(21.02.2023) Under the title “No Means No – to the War in Ukraine” organizations from Belarus, Ukraine, Germany, Greece, United Kingdom, the Netherlands demonstrated in front of Belarusian Embassies on the 20th of February. The date was chosen because on the 20th of February 2022, Russian troops were ordered to stay in Belarus after the end of a joint exercise with the Belarusian army. Four days later, the attack against Ukraine began, including Russian troops based in the territory of Belarus. Up until now no Belarusian troops have joined the war, though Belarus provides logistical aid to Russia.

The protesters demanded the protection of all war resisters, also those from Russia and Ukraine. “We support the appeal ’No means no’ by Nash Dom, the Belarusian human rights organization, to refuse to be recruited to the army or to leave it if they are already serving”, Schweitzer said in Berlin. European goverments, this was another demand of the demonstration, should create humanitarian corridor for conscientious objectors.

The call as pdf-file:

Chronology of events in Belarus Januar 2023:

Chronology of events in Belarus September-December 2022:


 The private military company Wagner in Belarus:

Statement: solidarity with all those nonviolently resisting the war in Ukraine

(11.03.2022) As War Resisters, we stress that we do not support any kind of war and, at the same time, we strive for removal of all causes of war.

We want to express our support and solidarity for those nonviolently resisting the war in Ukraine. In particular, we would like to acknowledge the bravery of all those arrested in Russia recently.

Call to Belarusian Men to Refuse Recruitment to Fight for Russia in Ukraine

(02.03.2022) I am requesting you to support our campaign «No Means No», dedicated to sending Belarusian soldiers to the war in Ukraine on the side of Russia, executed by the regime of Aliaksandr Lukashenka. Today a mass mobilization of Belarusian men in the age from 18 to 58 to the Belarusian army is under way: draft notices are arriving demanding to appear on March 4-9, 2022. According to an unconfirmed report received from a Belarusian military, Aliaksandr Lukashenka is planning to urgently call up for military service about 35-40 thousand Belarusian men.