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In this section you will find all articles with the following keywords: »Asylum«, »CO and Asylum«, and »International Resolutions«.

Collage: Zani Arkadina

Protection for Belarusian conscientious objectors like Vitali Dvarashyn and Mikita Sviryd

They are under threat of deportation by Lithuania to Belarus

(29.07.2024) Lithuania should protect Belarusian conscientious objectors and deserters, grant adequate legal protection and prevent their deportation!

The undersigned organizations are genuinely concerned by the threat of the Lithuanian authorities to immediately deport the Belarusian conscientious objector Vitali Dvarashyn and deserter Mikita Sviryd to Belarus where they are at risk of persecution, imprisonment, and death penalty. We demand immediate action from the Lithuanian authorities to prevent the deportation of conscientious objectors back to Belarus and grant asylum in Lithuania where they have been seeking protection.

φωτογραφία: Zani Arkadina

Προστασία των Λευκορώσων αντιρρησιών συνείδησης, Βιτάλι Ντβαριάσιν και Μικίτα Σβιρίντ

Στη Λιθουανία κινδυνεύετε με απέλαση στη Λευκορωσία!

(29.07.2024) Η Λιθουανία οφείλει να προστατεύσει τους Λευκορώσους αντιρρησίες συνείδησης και λιποτάκτες, να εξασφαλίσει επαρκή νομική προστασία και να αποτρέψει την απέλασή τους!

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Humanitarian aid for Belarusian and Ukrainian refugees in Lithuania. Photo: Nash Dom.

Mikita Sviryd: The story of a Belarusian deserter in Lithuania

Stuck between the threat of death penalty in Belarus and illegal refugee status in Lithuania

Mikita Sviryd, a Belarusan deserter who, when the war started in Ukraine, fled illegally to Lithuania because he was afraid that the Belarusan army would go to Ukraine to help Russia. Today Mikita is an illegal refugee, Lithuania has denied the young deserter political asylum. In Belarus, desertion can be punishable by death penalty. Today, he is desperate and expects nothing good in his future. What is for geopolitics the fate of one guy who at the age of 19 decided to give up being a soldier? #protection4Nikita

Helsinki, July 11, 2024

"Adbusting”: Berlin and Helsinki activists demand asylum for conscientious objectors

(11.07.2024) Oops, what are Berlin ad posters doing in Helsinki? And why are they campaigning for asylum for conscientious objectors? The "adbusted" posters are calling for asylum for conscientious objectors from Belarus and Russia. "We are currently in Helsinki to network with antimilitarists from the Baltic Sea region," reports Roderich Supersonnenwetter, spokesperson for the action group (AfKj!). "So close to the border with Russia, it makes sense to send a signal of solidarity for conscientious objection." Roderich Supersonnenwetter says: "Asylum for conscientious objectors from Russia and Belarus is a smart way to make it more difficult for Putin to wage his war in Ukraine!"