Civil Society 

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Peace Pledge Union, London.

Pacifists pledge to resist national service, if scheme is implemented

Press Release

(27.05.2024) British pacifists have said they will refuse to join or in any way support the military under the Tories’ plans to reintroduce national service, if the scheme is ever implemented. In the first major announcement of his election campaign, Rishi Sunak said a future Tory government would introduce the scheme in 2025, forcing 18-year-olds either to join the military for 12 months full-time or to work one weekend per month in their community with organisations such as fire, police and the NHS.

Olga Karatch a Brema. Foto: die Schwelle.

«Il mio esilio, gridando gli orrori del regime bielorusso»

Intervista con Olga Karatch

(29.04.2024) Olga Karach è un’attivista bielorussa, politologa e direttrice dell’organizzazione per i diritti umani “Our House” (“La nostra casa”), fondato nel 2002 come giornale autofinanziato. Candidata al Nobel per la Pace, 45 anni, è attiva nella rete dei difensori dei diritti umani e civili oppressi nel suo Paese dal regime di Lukashenko. Il quotidiano italiano AVVENIRE ha intervistato Olga Karatch nell’ambito del progetto "Donne per la Pace".

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Council of Europe to call on Turkey to immediately implement the ECtHR’ s rulings on conscientious objection

(05.11.2021) In response to a so-called action plan by the Turkish government, theAssociation for Conscientious Objection, based in Istanbul, Turkey,  together with a number of other organisations, submitted a statement to the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers on Wednesday to "request the Turkish government to take legislative measures without delay to recognize the right to conscientious objection to military service." (...more)

Association for Conscientious Objection

Turkey: Association for Conscientious Objection

(15.05.2021) The conscientious objection association, Vicdani Ret Derneği, was founded in İstanbul in 2013. Since then, the association has been active in bringing together conscientious objectors from all over Turkey and organizing meetings and seminars. It regularly organizes public actions and thus offers new conscientious objectors the opportunity to make their refusal public.