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#ObjectWarCampaign - Update

(14.02.2023) Today we would like to inform you about the current status of the #ObjectWarCampaign - and also make some suggestions for further work. The collection of signatures, with which we call on the European institutions to give protection and asylum to conscientious objectors and deserters from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, has been signed by more than 9,000 people so far.

No Means No – to the War in Ukraine

No Belarusian Troops for the War – Call for Action Day February 20

(01.02.2023) On the 20th of February 2023, we - Nash Dom, Ukrainian Pacifist Movement, Connection e.V., Federation for Social Defence, European Bureau for Conscientious Objection, International Fellowship of Reconciliation, Agir pour la paix and War Resisters’ International – call for demonstrations outside Belarusian embassies across Europe. These protests will draw attention to the danger of Belarus joining Russia by sending military personnel to attack Ukraine.

Folder updated for the Anti-war Day

Deserters and objectors from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine need our support

(16.08.2022) We have updated and redesigned our folder on the campaign for deserters and conscientious objectors from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine for further distribution. In it, we present the work for deserters and conscientious objectors from these countries as of September 2022. In addition, we provide background information on conscientious objection and desertion, as well as conscientious objection and asylum.

Counseling hotline for conscientious objectors and deserters of the Ukrainian war established

(07.04.2022) The conscientious objection network Connection e.V. has set up an counseling hotline "Get out" in Russian language to support Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian conscientious objectors and deserters.