Conscientious Objection 

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05.04.2024: In front of the recruitment office

Thailand: Declaration Against Military Draft

Netiwit Chotiphatphaisal in front of the military office

(05.04.2024) Hiermit betone ich zehn Jahre nach meiner ersten Erklärung zur Kriegsdienstverweigerung, die ich 2014 nach dem Putsch in Thailand öffentlich gemacht habe, dass ich einer Einberufung zum Militär nicht nachkommen werde.

Conscientious objector Ben Arad, April 1, 2024. Photo by Oren Ziv.

Israeli teen jailed for refusing draft: "I’m willing to pay a price for my principles"

Ben Arad, 18, is the third conscientious objector imprisoned since October 7. He tells +972 why Israel’s assault on Gaza

(05.04.2024) “Since the war began, I understood that I have an obligation to make my voice heard, and to call for an end to the cycle of violence.” These were the words of Ben Arad, an 18-year-old Israeli conscientious objector, shortly before he reported to the Israeli army’s recruitment center near Tel Aviv on April 1 and declared his refusal to enlist in mandatory military service, in protest of Israel’s bombardment of Gaza and the long-standing occupation.

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Digest of Movement of Conscientious Objectors Russia

February 2024

(29.03.2024) Dear and beloved, hello everyone. This is Artyom Klyga from the Movement of Conscientious Objectors. In February, we closely followed legislative initiatives and the judicial practice of Russian courts. Today in our digest, we will talk about the new maximum age for mobilised soldiers; about the possibility for a partner to marry a deceased serviceman or servicewomen; about changes in the sphere of alternative civilian service and about new restrictions for Russian "foreign agents". Enjoy your reading!

The National Asylum Court (CNDA). Photo: CNDA.

War in Ukraine: France grants asylum to 19 deserters of the Russian army

(22.03.2024) Since the beginning of the year, 19 Russian citizens have been granted asylum in France as announced by the National Asylum Court (CNDA) on March 22, 2024. Russian soldiers who refused to fight in Ukraine were already granted refugee status by the CNDA in June 2023. According to the court’s decisions, which were "read out between January 1 and mid-March 2024, 19 asylum applications" were granted, the CNDA told AFP news agency on Friday.