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Turkey may decriminalize conscientious objection to military service

(15.11.2011) The Turkish government is considering legalizing conscientious objection to military service, state ministers said on Tuesday, signaling a surprising reversal on a long-held policy. “The Defense Ministry will assess the issue of conscientious objectors,” Justice Minister Sadullah Ergin told reporters in Ankara. “It will be discussed and, if it is seen as appropriate, it will be brought to Parliament’s agenda.”

Bermudians Against the Draft will continue its fight in courts

(08.11.2011) Anti-conscription campaigners will continue protesting through the courts despite Premier Paula Cox’s pledge to introduce an alternative national service. Bermudians Against the Draft yesterday gave a cautious welcome to Ms Cox’s Throne Speech promise to “table legislation that makes provision for new alternatives to conscription, including the introduction of a national youth service”.

China to update military conscription system

(27.10.2011) China’s Ministry of Defense held a monthly press conference on Oct. 26. At the conference, the spokesman Yang Yujun answered a question about reviewing the amendment to China’s military conscription law. The amendment seems to refer to an amendment presented at the end of June, which is aimed at recruiting more college graduates to the military.

Chile: Ongoing student movement is blamed for the military’s lowest volunteer rate since 2007

(17.10.2011) Nearly 57,000 18-year-olds have been called into possible active military service, the Chilean government said Sunday. The announcement comes on the heels of government reports of a 30 percent decrease in military volunteers since October 2010. This year has seen only 14,127 men and women, between 18 and 24 years old, volunteer for military service, which leaves a 11,340-person gap to be filled in the current military ranks.

Chile has mandatory military service for all 18-year-old men, but typically has been able to fill its ranks with volunteers, avoiding the need for a draft.