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Sometimes Connection e.V. publishes material in English. Please refer to the list below. Further booklets, leaflets etc. can be found on our German pages. (...more)

Report on the situation of Belarusian Conscientious Objectors and draft evaders in Lithuania

(17.08.2023) In early 2023, around 48,804 Belarusians sought refuge in Lithuania due to 2020 protests and war, with about 55,000 residing there by July 2023. Over 1,165 Belarusians were labeled “national security threats” in six months, often based on past army service or attendance at a cadet academy, lacking specific accusations.

Written by International Centre for civil initiatives “Our House” (Nash Dom), Belarus & Lithuania, with the support of International Fellowship of Reconciliation – Austria, European Bureau for Conscientious Objection, Federation for Social Defence, Germany, Connection e.V., War Resisters’ International, The International Peace Bureau (IPB), Vilnius, 17 August 2023

Read the full report here: https://news.house/60784

New report: Right to Conscientious Objection to Military Service in Turkey

“I do not know how many records were issued against me”

(02.06.2023) Conscientious Objection Watch has published a new report about the still missing right of conscientious objection in Turkey, not only describing the prosecution and punishment but also the consequences for conscientious objectors to live in a state of civil death. The report has been released with the support of Bertha-von-Suttner-Stiftung and in collaboration with the European Bureau for Conscientious Objection, Connection e.V., International Fellowship of Reconciliation and War Resisters’ International.

 Download the full report


EBCO Annual Report 2022/23 on Conscientious Objection to Military Service in Europe

Focus on the courageous conscientious objectors and pacifists in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus

(12.05.2023) The European Bureau for Conscientious Objection publishes today its Annual Report on Conscientious Objection to Military Service in Europe 2022/23, covering the region of Council of Europe (CoE) as well as Russia (former CoE member state) and Belarus (candidate CoE member state).

Folder updated for the Anti-war Day

Deserters and objectors from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine need our support

(16.08.2022) We have updated and redesigned our folder on the campaign for deserters and conscientious objectors from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine for further distribution. In it, we present the work for deserters and conscientious objectors from these countries as of September 2022. In addition, we provide background information on conscientious objection and desertion, as well as conscientious objection and asylum.