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Advocacy at the UN and much more, July till October 2024

Reporting on Bolivia, Greece, Turkey, Kyrgysztan and other countries

(06.11.2024) Zaira Zafarana, international advocacy coordinator of Connection e.V. raised the issue of conscientious objection to military service in different countries during the 57th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva. She took the floor in the plenary of the Council on several occasions. Furthermore, she submitted country-based reports to UN mechanisms for upcoming reviews and reporting to the council.

Photo: Zaira Zafarana

Connection e.V. briefs the UN human rights committee on Greece

(21.10.2024) Connection e.V. delivered an oral statement on the violations of the right to conscientious objection to military service in Greece during the formal briefing at the UN human rights committee in Geneva. It raised as well as concerns about the lack of follow up and implementation on the Petromelidis case.

Photo: Zaira Zafarana

Connection e.V. informiert das UN-Menschenrechtskomitee über Griechenland

(21.10.2024) Connection e.V. gab eine mündliche Stellungnahme ab zu den Verletzungen des Rechts auf Kriegsdienstverweigerung in Griechenland während des Briefings vor dem UN-Menschenrechtskomitee in Genf. Besorgt zeigte sich Connection e.V. auch über die mangelnde Umsetzung von Empfehlungen im Fall Petromelidis.

Greece and Turkey: Connection e.V. reports to the UN Human Rights Committee on conscientious objection

(25.09.2024) Connection e.V. has just submitted two reports to conscientious objection to military service about Greece and Turkey which will be reviewed this coming October by the group of experts of the Committee during the 142nd session.