Human Rights 

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Conscientious Objection Watch is a self organized group of conscientious objectors in Turkey

Interim Resolution on Violations of the Right to Conscientious Objection in Turkey

Newsletter of the Conscientious Objection Watch Initiative

(16.07.2024) This is Merve Arkun, the coordinator of the Conscientious Objection Watch, from Turkey. I would like to inform you about the interim decision of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on the Ülke Group of Cases monitoring the situation of conscientious objectors in Turkey. Eighteen years after the European Court of Human Rights issued its first judgment in favor of conscientious objector Osman Murat Ülke, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe added a new one to its interim decisions on violations of the right to conscientious objection in Turkey.

Humanitarian aid for Belarusian and Ukrainian refugees in Lithuania. Photo: Nash Dom.

Mikita Sviryd: The story of a Belarusian deserter in Lithuania

Stuck between the threat of death penalty in Belarus and illegal refugee status in Lithuania

Mikita Sviryd, a Belarusan deserter who, when the war started in Ukraine, fled illegally to Lithuania because he was afraid that the Belarusan army would go to Ukraine to help Russia. Today Mikita is an illegal refugee, Lithuania has denied the young deserter political asylum. In Belarus, desertion can be punishable by death penalty. Today, he is desperate and expects nothing good in his future. What is for geopolitics the fate of one guy who at the age of 19 decided to give up being a soldier? #protection4Nikita

Refuser Solidarity Network (RSN).

Resisting war and apartheid from within the Green Line to the West Bank & Gaza

Newsletter of the Refuser Solidarity Network (RSN)

(14.07.2024) Hey, "A queer Palestinian asylum seeker from the West Bank is out on the streets, can anyone help?" This was the text I received early on an October morning, two weeks into Israel’s assault on Gaza. My name is Tal, the new international solidarity coordinator at Refuser Solidarity Network. I would like to share how I found my way to RSN and how you can support us by following our page Voices Against War on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook to stay up to date with Israelis resisting war and apartheid. Share it with your community to help us to amplify their voices.

Foto: Zaira Zafarana

Dialogo interattivo sull’aggiornamento orale dell’Alto Commissario sulla situazione dei diritti umani in Ucraina

Consiglio dei Diritti Umani delle Nazioni Unite, 56a sessione

(12.07.2024) Questa settimana alle Nazioni Unite a Ginevra, WRI e Connection e.V. sono intervenuti nella plenaria del Consiglio dei Diritti Umani per parlare della situazione odierna in Ucraina, menzionando la coscrizione forzata e la militarizzazione dei bambini nei territori occupati, la sospensione del diritto all’obiezione di coscienza e la persecuzione di obiettori e attivisti per la pace come Yurii Sheliazhenko e il Movimento pacifista ucraino da parte delle autorità ucraine.

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