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φωτογραφία: Zani Arkadina

Προστασία των Λευκορώσων αντιρρησιών συνείδησης, Βιτάλι Ντβαριάσιν και Μικίτα Σβιρίντ

Στη Λιθουανία κινδυνεύετε με απέλαση στη Λευκορωσία!

(29.07.2024) Η Λιθουανία οφείλει να προστατεύσει τους Λευκορώσους αντιρρησίες συνείδησης και λιποτάκτες, να εξασφαλίσει επαρκή νομική προστασία και να αποτρέψει την απέλασή τους!

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Oral statement given at Interactive dialogue on the situation in Ukraine

UN Human Rights Council, 56th Session

(10.07.2024) This morning, Mr. Volker Turk, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights concluded the interactive dialogue at the UN Human Rights Council on the situation in Ukraine. Connection e.V. collaborated with War Resisters International to the drafting and delivering of an oral statement in the plenary, calling for the end of the war in Ukraine and for the protection of the human rights of those who object to the war. Among others, the case of the human rights defender, Yurii Sheliazhenko, and of his organization, Ukrainian Pacifist Movement have been raised.

Sofia Orr. Photo: Rami Shllush/Haaretz.

A Conscientious Objector’s Vision of Life for Israelis and Palestinians From the River to the Sea

Interview with Sofia Orr by Haaretz

(17.06.2024) Sofia Orr has just spent 85 days in military jail after refusing to enlist in the IDF. Now released after being recognized as a conscientious objector, the 19-year-old talks about why she did it, the attacks from both left- and right-wing extremists, and about what she heard from her fellow inmates.

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EBCO, WRI, IFOR & Connection e.V.

Third (!) imprisonment of Turkish-Cypriot reservist conscientious objector Halil Karapaşaoğlu totally unacceptable

Joint Press Release

(05.06.2024) The European Bureau for Conscientious Objection (EBCO), War Resisters’ International (WRI), the International Fellowship of Reconciliation (IFOR), and Connection e.V. strongly condemn the third (!) imprisonment of Turkish-Cypriot reservist conscientious objector Halil Karapaşaoğlu, and call on the authorities in the "TRNC" to urgently amend the Military Service Act so as to recognise the right of conscientious objection to military service, and to implement the Murat Kanatlı v Türkiye judgement of the European Court of Human Rights.