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Murat Kanatlı

EBCO shocked at imprisonment of its Board Member Murat Kanatlı

(25.02.2014) “EBCO is shocked at the provocative and outrageous imprisonment of its Board Member Murat Kanatlı, a Cypriot conscientious objector and human rights activist, and demands its immediate and unconditional release. We also call for the full recognition of the right to conscientious objection for conscripts, reservists and professional members of the armed forces, in line with European and international standards”, Friedhelm Schneider, EBCO’s President stated today, after Turkish Cypriot conscientious objector Murat Kanatlı was sentenced to 10 days in prison for his refusal on grounds of conscience to participate in the annual compulsory military exercises in the northern part of Cyprus.

Report at the Mediterranean Conscientious Objectors Meeting

Israel has conscription for men and women

(31.01.2014) Israel has universal mandatory conscription for both men (for three years) and women (for two years). But, as is often the case with conscription systems around the world, in practice, the rule of universal conscription breaks down into many population-specific policies.

Turkey: CO Onur Erden denied asylum in Cyprus

Detained in a military prison on his return to Turkey

(19.07.2013) After his demand for political asylum was rejected by the Republic of Cyprus, Turkish conscientious objector Onur Erden was deported back to Istanbul via Jordan on Thursday, July 11th. He was arrested after his appearance in the court and transferred to military prison in Kasimpasa Naval Base in Istanbul. On 17 July, he was transferred to the 2nd Army Corps Command Military Prison in Gelibolu, Çanakkale. He remains in custody.

South Korea: Conscientious objector Yoonjong Yoo begins serving 18 month prison sentence

(01.05.2012) War Resisters’ International is concerned about the imprisonment of South Korean conscientious objector Yoonjong Yoo. After he declared his conscientious objection, he was trialed for violation of the country’s military service law, and finally sentenced to the standard 18 months’ imprisonment on 25 April 2012. On 30 April 2012, he reported to the Seoul Detention Centre to serve his sentence.