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André Shepherd

Decision of the European Court of Justice in the case of U.S. AWOL soldier André Shepherd

Connection e.V. and PRO ASYL: Much that is negative and little that is positive in the outcome

(26.02.2015) The network for conscientious objection Connection e.V. and PRO ASYL criticize today’s decision by the European Court of Justice (ECJ) in the case of U.S. AWOL soldier André Shepherd (37) as insufficient and in part quite incomprehensible in its argumentation. “The ruling by the ECJ does not strengthen the position of conscientious objectors and deserters in political-asylum proceedings. The Court avoided some fundamental questions, and answered others unacceptably, contrary to the opinion submitted by the Advocate-General.” said Rudi Friedrich of Connection e.V.

US: Objector Sara Beining sentenced, but released from jail - Discharge soon

(10.12.2014) Yesterday, in a military courtroom at Fort Carson, Colorado, military war resister Sara Beining was sentenced to time (5 months) already served in pre-trial confinement, and a “bad conduct” discharge. Sara was initially facing a decade in prison on two counts of desertion, so this is a huge victory. Sara benefited greatly from the representation of attorney James Branum of Oklahoma City. Mr. Branum’s services and expenses were paid for by Courage to Resist and our supporters nationwide. Sara was released from jail last night, and will be out processed from the US Army in the next few days.

EBCO calls for the release of the Turkish-Cypriot conscientious objector Haluk Selam Tufanli

International day of action: Tuesday 9 December 2014

(08.12.2014) The European Bureau for Conscientious Objectors (EBCO) condemns the unacceptable and anachronistic practice of the Turkish-Cypriot authorities to prosecute and imprison conscientious objectors to military service. EBCO calls for the immediate release of 31-year-old conscientious objector Haluk Selam Tufanli and for the full recognition of the right to conscientious objection to military service for conscripts, reservists and professional members of the armed forces, in line with European and international standards.

André Shepherd

AWOL U.S. soldier André Shepherd at European Court of Justice

Invitation to Hearing and Press Conference

(17.06.2014) June 25, 2014, the European Court of Justice will hear the case of AWOL U.S. soldier André Shepherd, who filed an application for political asylum in Germany in 2008.


We invite you to the hearing and press conference in Luxemburg:


The hearing will take place Wednesday, June 25, 2014, at 9.30 a.m. at the European Court of Justice, Rue du Fort Niedergrünewald, L-2925 Luxemburg (http://curia.europa.eu)


A press conference will be held afterwards, expected time: 12.00 h in Casino Syndical de Bonnevoie, 63, rue de Bonnevoie in L-1260 Luxembourg.