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Refuser Updates is a weekly newsletter that shares stories of Israeli and Palestinian War Resistance.

A new refusal letter is on the way

(02.02.2025) [...] Our new project is a refusal letter of medical servicemen and women of the Israeli army. Medics such as myself, doctors, paramedics, as well as mental health professionals who have been forced to make the unconscionable choice between continuing our participation in this war, or abandoning our fellow comrades, who are friends, family, and community, and have just the same been forced to the battlefield by Netanyahu’s regime.

Refuser Updates is a weekly newsletter that shares stories of Israeli and Palestinian War Resistance.

How you helped us, ordinary people, to stop this war

(20.01.2025) My name is Max Kresch, I’m 28 years old. I was a combat soldier, and I refused to continue serving in this unjust war in Gaza. Today I wanted to thank you for helping me and my friends, hundreds of soldiers who refused fighting, to force the Israeli government to stop this war.

φωτογραφία: Zani Arkadina

Προστασία των Λευκορώσων αντιρρησιών συνείδησης, Βιτάλι Ντβαριάσιν και Μικίτα Σβιρίντ

Στη Λιθουανία κινδυνεύετε με απέλαση στη Λευκορωσία!

(29.07.2024) Η Λιθουανία οφείλει να προστατεύσει τους Λευκορώσους αντιρρησίες συνείδησης και λιποτάκτες, να εξασφαλίσει επαρκή νομική προστασία και να αποτρέψει την απέλασή τους!

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Conscientious Objection Watch is a self organized group of conscientious objectors in Turkey

April - June 2024: Activities and Developments on the Right to Conscientious Objection in Turkey

Newsletter of the Conscientious Objection Watch Initiative

(25.07.2024) This is Merve Arkun, Conscientious Objection Watch Coordinator. I am writing to inform you about the latest issue of the Conscientious Objection Bulletin, which we publish periodically. In the latest issue, you can find the experiences of conscientious objectors in Turkey between April-June 2024. In the period April-June 2024, conscientious objectors in Turkey were subjected to many rights violations and restrictions, from violations of the right to work to restrictions on freedom of movement. Below you can find a brief summary of Conscientious Objection Watch’s activities in April-June.