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I’m free after 29 hours of arrest

Egypt: Conscientious objector Maikel Nabil Sanad beaten and harassed

(05.02.2011) Dear friends, Intelligence Service released me today at 7 pm after 29 hours of arrest. They beat me a lot, sexually harassed me,  threatened me to be tried in front of a military trial, urged me to join the army, stole my ID and my mobile phone. These were the worst days of my life and I think they did it to take revenge to my refusal of the military service. I’ll need a couple of days to rest after this horrible experience.

Eritrea: Political Persecution of Desertion and Conscientious Objection

(15.09.2010) It was very depressing. Together with Eritrean opposition groups, we held a demonstration in early May in Frankfurt am Main to prevent two Eritrean deserters being deported. But they were still sent off to Eritrea on 14 May 2008 in a private plane chartered for the purpose. Many people had warned what would happen when they arrived in Asmara: they were arrested at once, and taken to an unknown location. The German authorities had not wanted to recognize the likelihood of this.

Turkey: Conscientious objector İnan Süver

Call to write solidarity and protest letters

(03.09.2010) War Resisters’ International (WRI) has been informed that Turkish conscientious objector İnan Süver was in hunger strike beginning of September 2010. He ended his hunger strike for health reasons. It is not known to WRI what prompted the hunger strike, and what are the demands. İnan Süver was detained in Istanbul on 5 August 2010, and has been transferred to the military prison in Izmir on 23 August, where he is presently being held in pre-trial detention.

Turkey: Conscientious Objector Aydemir Free!

15 Months of Military Service or 3 Years of Torture!

(10.06.2010) Conscientious objector Aydemir was released upon an "incapability report". His lawyer criticized that the legislation lacks provisions on conscientious objection. Turkey is one of three countries of the European Council that does not recognize the right to conscientious objection.