Objectors Report 

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Interview with Israeli refusenik Noam Gur

"I can’t take part in these crimes"

(14.03.2012) Earlier this week, 18-year-old Israeli Noam Gur publicly announced her intention to refuse mandatory service in the Israeli army. Set to be drafted next month on 16 April, Gur stated in an open letter: “I refuse to take part in the Israeli army because I refuse to join an army that has, since it was established, been engaged in dominating another nation, in plundering and terrorizing a civilian population that is under its control”

The Electronic Intifada contributor Jillian Kestler-D’Amours spoke with Gur about what influenced her decision to refuse military service, what the response has been so far and what she wants other young Israelis to know about the realities of serving in the Israeli army.

Asylum Update

Letter by US AWOL soldier André Shepherd

(10.04.2010) The past three months have been very busy. I have spent the time doing more research for my case, as well as integrating into the German Culture. I have also started to write a book about my experiences, with the hope that one day it will be used to help other people in a similar situation. Again I must thank each and every one of you for your love and support. If there are those out there who have heard about my case and would like to make a donation, please do so here.

Iraq Veterans Against the War convenes Winter Soldier Europe before NATO summit

Testimony are available online

(16.03.2009) Freiburg, Germany – About 150 people heard testimony from nine American, British, and German veterans in Freiburg, Germany, on Saturday about the military members’ experiences in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Testimony are available online.

Videos: Agustìn Aguayo speaks

Going AWOL - after military jail

(01.05.2007) In two videos Agustín Aguayo reports about why he went AWOL and about his experiences in military jail.