Peace Movement 

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Refuser Updates is a weekly newsletter that shares stories of Israeli and Palestinian War Resistance.

In memory of the Holocaust, we refuse genocide

One week after the world marked International Holocaust Remembrance Day, we continue to fight for an end to Israel’s wars of aggression in the shadow of its ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people. With the news of Trump’s plans to ethnically cleanse the Gaza Strip – and the completion of a riviera on the ashes of those killed in Israel’s murderous war – we continue forward with our struggle. Our refusal to serve genocide is not new, part of a much longer story.

Olga Karach during the Award Ceremony of the Bremen Peace Prize on May 31, 2024.

Speech at the 90th CEDAW Session on Belarus

(06.02.2025) Honorable Committee Members, As the head of the International Center for Civil Initiatives ’Our House’, I appeal to the CEDAW Committee for Action.

Refuser Updates is a weekly newsletter that shares stories of Israeli and Palestinian War Resistance.

A new refusal letter is on the way

(02.02.2025) [...] Our new project is a refusal letter of medical servicemen and women of the Israeli army. Medics such as myself, doctors, paramedics, as well as mental health professionals who have been forced to make the unconscionable choice between continuing our participation in this war, or abandoning our fellow comrades, who are friends, family, and community, and have just the same been forced to the battlefield by Netanyahu’s regime.

Zum Antikriegstag – Neuer Flyer der #ObjectWarCampaign und weitere Materialien

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(13.08.2024) Zum Antikriegstag am 1. September haben wir den Flyer der #ObjectWarCampaign überarbeitet und aktualisiert. Ihr könnt den und andere Materialien zur Unterstützung der Kriegsdienstverweiger*innen und Deserteur*innen aus Russland, Belarus und der Ukraine ab sofort bei Connection e.V. oder der DFG-VK bestellen.