Project Reports 

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Day of action of the #ObjectWarCampaign on the International Day of Conscientious Objection to War

Interview with Rudi Friedrich, Connection e.V.

(14.06.2023) On this year’s International Day of Conscientious Objection, 30 organizations from Europe have called for protection for all conscientious objectors from Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine. Together with the organizers of the #ObjectWarCampaign, Connection e.V. traveled to Berlin to participate in a central action in front of the European Commission Bureau at the Brandenburg Gate on 15 May 2023. The action was coordinated with events in other cities. During an interview, Rudi Friedrich, executive director of Connection e.V., reports on this year’s day of action and general news about the #ObjectWarCampaign (ed.).

Take Action: Celebrating International Conscientious Objection Day in times of Covid-19

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(30.03.2020) Dear all, we are facing worrying and unusual times these days. We are considering ways to celebrate International Conscientious Objection Day on 15th May 2020. War Resisters’ International and Connection e.V. are working together on an idea.

War Resisters’ International and Connection e.V. have opened a YouTube channel. On the International Conscientious Objection Day, we would like to post as many personal contributions as possible. Take action and join us.

Sheila B. Keetharuth speaking at the conference on Eritrea

UN Special Rapporteur emphasises the gravity of human rights violations in Eritrea

A packed international conference took place in Brussels

(23.10.2017) There are “reasonable grounds to believe crimes against humanity are taking place”, stated Sheila Keetharuth, UN Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in Eritrea, at a major high-ranking international staffed conference held in Brussels this week. The dire human rights situation in the Horn of Africa nation— including arbitrary detention and extrajudicial executions—has “not improved in essentials”, she emphasised, despite consistent attention in recent years from the UN and human rights agencies.

International CO symposium held in Istanbul

(16.09.2015) Vicdani Ret Derneği, the Turkish CO Association, held an international symposium on conscientious objection (CO), on 5-6 September in Istanbul. The meetings were packed, and at the end of the symposium, over 20 COs went to Galatasaray Square and publicly declared their conscientious objection.