Refugees Report 
Olga Karatch. Photo: Connection e.V.

Words of welcome on the occasion of the International Day of Conscientious Objection

International Centre for civil initiatives “Our House” (Belarus)

(15.05.2024) Today, 15th of May, we commemorate International Conscientious Objector Day. Incredibly, there is a war going on in our region today. And I still cannot comprehend and accept it. A decade ago, if someone had asked me which scenario was more realistic: aliens attacking our planet or Russia invading Ukraine, I would have said that there was no need to think about it; of course, aliens are the more realistic scenario.

Dual Agenda: In Ethiopia’s civil war, Eritrea’s army exacted deadly vengeance on old foes

(01.11.2021) When Eritrea sent troops into the Tigray region, the secretive nation seized a double opportunity: It detained thousands of Eritrean refugees as it battled Ethiopia’s former rulers. Spearheading the bloody campaign: a colonel nicknamed ‘Son of Bread’.

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