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Two years after the start of the war: PRO ASYL and Connection e.V. criticise asylum rejections of Russian refusers

(21.02.2024) Two years after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) continues to reject Russian refusers and obliges them to return to Russia. Connection e.V. and PRO ASYL are alarmed by the BAMF’s reasoning, which ignores the risk for Russian refusers of being recruited in a war that violates international law.

Russians refusing to go to war

What are the chances of protection and asylum?

(20.02.2024) Connection e.V. and PRO ASYL have repeatedly called for a change in the decision-making practice of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) with regard to deserters and military draft evaders, especially those from Russia. In an analysis published a year ago, it was stated that deserters from Russia could be granted protection, but not the vast majority of military draft evaders who had already evaded recruitment in Russia. The government repeatedly pointed out that the BAMF’s decision-making practice should be reviewed.

#ObjectWarCampaign – New material – Nuevo material – Nuovo materiale

(06.02.2024) Dear campaigners,

In a few weeks it will be the anniversary of the start of the war in Ukraine. Many actions are being prepared for that day, calling to end the war. We have prepared thematic material that you can also use at the actions to raise awareness about the  #ObjectWarCampaign and show solidarity to those who are objecting war.

Digest of the Movement of Conscientious Objection Russia

December 2023

(31.01.2024) Hello, dear friend. This is Artem Klyga, the advocacy manager of the Russian MCO. I want to share some news from December and update you on our activities in the last month of the past year. December was marked by unprecedented raids on conscripts. President Putin instructed the Ministry of Defense to launch an electronic register of military conscription from the fall of 2024. We continued to assist conscientious objectors in courts, military commissariats and draft commissions.