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Dmitry Setrakov

Armenia: Russian conscientious objector arrested by the Russian military and transferred to Russia

(20.12.2023) Uncertainty is spreading in the Russian exile community in Armenia following the arrest and extradition of a fugitive soldier by the Russian military police in the Armenian city of Gyumri. Dmitry Setrakov, 20, had fled to Armenia to live in exile. On 6 December he was arrested by Russian military police and taken to a military prison of the Russian 102nd military garrison. He was initially sentenced to 27 days in detention for unauthorised removal from the troops, but now the Russian military has extradited him to Rostov-on-Don in the southern military district of Russia.

Torino, December 9, 2023

Pictures and videos of the week of action of the #ObjectWarCampaign

Protection and asylum for conscientious objectors from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine

(19.12.2023) From 4-10 December 2023, #ObjectWarCampaign actions and events took place in over 30 locations across Europe. The demand for protection and asylum for conscientious objectors from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine was heard everywhere. We show pictures and videos on our campaign website

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Artem Klyga in Berlin, 9.12.2023. Photo: Connection e.V.

Russia: “Saving those who refuse to fight brings the end of the war closer”

(09.12.2023) Hello! My name is Artem Klyga. I am a military lawyer and currently work with the Movement of Conscientious Objectors. We assist conscripts and mobilized individuals in Russia to stay free and avoid being sent to war. Since 2022, our activities have become particularly relevant.

Dates of the week of action in December 2023

Protection and asylum for all those from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine who refuse military service

(02.12.2023) These are the planned actions and events of the action week: Bonn, Herford, Frankfurt/M., Tampere, Hamburg, Vienna, Münster/W., Düsseldorf, Cologne, Bremen, Lübeck, 4 webinars, Rostock, London, Berlin, Schwerin, Göttingen, Freiburg, Trier, Kassel, Athens, Mainz, Potsdam, Karlsruhe, Halle (Saale), Naumburg, Löbau. The list is updated regularly.