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Dates of the week of action in December 2023

Protection and asylum for all those from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine who refuse military service

(02.12.2023) These are the planned actions and events of the action week: Bonn, Herford, Frankfurt/M., Tampere, Hamburg, Vienna, Münster/W., Düsseldorf, Cologne, Bremen, Lübeck, 4 webinars, Rostock, London, Berlin, Schwerin, Göttingen, Freiburg, Trier, Kassel, Athens, Mainz, Potsdam, Karlsruhe, Halle (Saale), Naumburg, Löbau. The list is updated regularly.

Russia: More than 4,000 criminal cases for absent without leave (AWOL) after the beginning of mobilisation

(24.11.2023) The Russian military courts have received 4,121 criminal cases for AWOL (Art. 337 of the Criminal Code) since the beginning of the mobilisation. "Mediazona" has analysed the websites of the military courts as of 21 November.

В суды поступило больше 4 тысяч уголовных дел о побеге со службы после начала мобилизации

(24.11.2023) В российские военные суды поступило 4 121 уголовное дело о самовольном оставлении части после начала мобилизации. Такие сведения «Медиазона» собрала с сайтов военных судов по состоянию на 21 ноября.

Sign now petition at Bundestag: Protection of conscientious objectors from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine

Initiative of Grüne Alternative

(20.11.2023) The right to conscientious objection is a human right. We therefore call on all politicians in the Bundestag to stand up for the protection and asylum of conscientious objectors and deserters from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. The people who have decided to say no to killing and against this war must be supported. At the same time, we call on the Bundestag to declare its solidarity with activists of the peace movement from the three countries.

Sign now: search: ’Kriegsdienst’