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Russia: Movement of Conscientious Objectors labelled as “Foreign Agent”

Another blatant human rights violation by Russia

(30.06.2023) The European Bureau for Conscientious Objection (EBCO), War Resisters’ International (WRI), the International Fellowship of Reconciliation (IFOR) and Connection e.V. (Germany) strongly condemn the listing of the Russian Movement of Conscientious Objectors as “Foreign Agent” as of June 23rd 2023. This action is another blatant human rights violation, a fundamentally discriminatory application of law that contradicts universally accepted human rights and freedoms.

Day of action of the #ObjectWarCampaign on the International Day of Conscientious Objection to War

Interview with Rudi Friedrich, Connection e.V.

(14.06.2023) On this year’s International Day of Conscientious Objection, 30 organizations from Europe have called for protection for all conscientious objectors from Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine. Together with the organizers of the #ObjectWarCampaign, Connection e.V. traveled to Berlin to participate in a central action in front of the European Commission Bureau at the Brandenburg Gate on 15 May 2023. The action was coordinated with events in other cities. During an interview, Rudi Friedrich, executive director of Connection e.V., reports on this year’s day of action and general news about the #ObjectWarCampaign (ed.).

Russia: Surge in Criminal Investigations Against Military Objectors

(June 2023) In the first half of 2023, Russian military courts have received 2,076 criminal cases concerning unauthorized absence from military service, as per Article 337 of the Russian Criminal Code. This number is twice as high as the total cases for the entire year of 2022 and three times higher than the pre-war year of 2021. The majority of the accused are not contract soldiers but those who have been mobilized. Courts are now issuing around 100 verdicts per week, and this number is on the rise.

Appello ad agire dall’8 al 21 maggio 2023

Protezione e asilo per tutte le persone provenienti da Russia, Bielorussia e Ucraina che rifiutano il servizio militare

Settimane di azione in occasione della Giornata internazionale dell’obiezione di coscienza

Per questo organizziamo, in occasione della "Giornata internazionale dell’obiezione di coscienza", il 15 maggio, raduni e manifestazioni davanti alle istituzioni governative russe, bielorusse e ucraine e alle rappresentanze dell’UE, veglie davanti ai monumenti dei disertori e molte altre azioni creative in diversi luoghi. Sottolineiamo: L’obiezione di coscienza è un diritto umano!