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Nothing justifies crimes and massacres as committed in the south of Israel!

(09.10.2023) But the writing was on the wall as I warned for long: We will all pay a heavy price for the crimes of the occupation, the siege on Gaza and the arrogance of the Kahanist government. There is no military solution, only a political one - the end of the occupation and Palestinian independence! For the future of all of people - No to war, yes to a just peace! No to violence, yes to equality!

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Gaza‘s shock attack has terrified Israelis. It should also unveil the context

(07.10.2023) This is a terrible day. After waking up to air sirens under a barrage of hundreds of rockets fired on Israeli cities, we have been learning about the unprecedented assault by Palestinian militants from Gaza into Israeli towns bordering the strip.

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Digest from the Movement of Conscientious Objection Russia

October 2023

(October 2023) Hello! Artyom Klyga is with you again with the MCO digest for October 2023. Conscription in Russia started again and police have already detained men even in mosques. Organisations are afraid of receiving updated fines, and therefore they are putting their military records in order. It is a sad case law – the courts believe that the age of discharge from military service after mobilisation is 65 years old, not 50. The MCO sent its proposals and recommendations to the UN Human Rights Council for the Universal Periodic Review.

Call for actions from 8 to 21 May 2023

Protection and asylum for all those from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine who refuse military service

Action weeks around the International Day of Conscientious Objection

We call to organise around the "International Day of Conscientious Objection", 15 May, rallies and demonstrations in front of Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian government institutions as well as EU representations, vigils in front of deserter monuments and many other creative actions in different places. Conscientious objection is a human right!