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Foto: Zaira Zafarana

Dialogo interattivo sull’aggiornamento orale dell’Alto Commissario sulla situazione dei diritti umani in Ucraina

Consiglio dei Diritti Umani delle Nazioni Unite, 56a sessione

(12.07.2024) Questa settimana alle Nazioni Unite a Ginevra, WRI e Connection e.V. sono intervenuti nella plenaria del Consiglio dei Diritti Umani per parlare della situazione odierna in Ucraina, menzionando la coscrizione forzata e la militarizzazione dei bambini nei territori occupati, la sospensione del diritto all’obiezione di coscienza e la persecuzione di obiettori e attivisti per la pace come Yurii Sheliazhenko e il Movimento pacifista ucraino da parte delle autorità ucraine.

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The Movement of Conscientious Objectors

Digest May 2024


(09.07.2024) Friends, hello everyone! This is Artem Klyga from the Movement of Conscientious Objectors. In May, we faced mass raids on conscripts in Moscow. There were so many that we had to launch a public assistance campaign with our colleagues. Meanwhile, in Kazakhstan, the first abduction of a Russian deserter by the military police has taken place. Kazakhstan is not a safe country, and we have written and spoken about this many times. In Krasnodar, conscripts are being forcibly sent to military service after undergoing medical examinations, and in various regions of Russia, the traffic police are unlawfully taking on the functions of military offices. Enjoy reading!

Voices Against War (VAW) is a social media initiative of the Refuser Solidarity Network.

The problem is not a specific soldier, it is the entire army

Newsletter of the Refuser Solidarity Network (RSN)

(05.05.2024) Dear all, Mattan here. I am the executive director of Refuser Solidarity Network and an Israeli refuser. I am writing to you as I would like to let you know how actions of the U.S. government against the war, can distract from the root of the problems, the Israeli systematic oppression of the Palestinians.

A Right to Refuse to Kill in Myanmar?

(20.03.2024) In February 2024, the military regime ruling Myanmar announced that it was mobilizing a “People’s Military Service Law”. The law allows for the conscription of male citizens aged 18 to 35 and female citizens aged 18 to 27. The announcement has caused fear and loathing among the country’s 14 million young people and their families. Just three days later, the military regime established the Central Body for Summoning People’s Military Servants to oversee conscription, of at least 60,000 young people per year (See this ISP report for a further analysis of the new conscription law). The conscription process will reportedly be launched after the Burmese New Year in mid-April, but there are some reports that roundups of young men have already begun.

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