Eritrea: Desertion, Refuge & Asylum 

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Eritrean Armed Forces Fighting Inside Tigray

(24.11.2020) Human Rights Concern-Eritrea (HRCE) has received credible evidence that the Eritrean Armed forces including conscripts, have been sent to the Tigray region of Ethiopia and are engaged in heavy fighting with the Tigrayan People’s Liberation Forces (TPLF), alongside the Ethiopian armed forces.

We unreservedly condemn the aggressive intervention of Eritrean armed forces in Tigray, a province in an independent nation. There can be no justification for this unwarranted interference, and the resultant and unnecessary deaths of soldiers on both sides. We call upon Eritrea to withdraw its forces from Tigray immediately.

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Urgent Appeal to Stop War in the Horn of Africa

(17.11.2020) We, members of the Eritrean Research Institute for Policy and Strategy, (ERIPS), are a group of Eritrean professionals and Intellectuals in the Diaspora.  We are organized on the basis of our specific fields of expertise and our cardinal aim is to engage in research that could guide and serve peace loving Eritreans in the process of transition towards democratic governance and institution building.

Ethiopia: A call to the International Community to stop the war

(07.11.2020) To President Cyril Ramaphosa, President of the Republic of South Africa and African Union Chair

Dear President Ramaphosa,

We the undersigned respectfully request that your influential offices exert pressure on the Ethiopian Government to solve its internal dispute with the regional Government in Tigray peacefully and through dialogue. To this end, we plead with you to also exert pressure on the Eritrean Government to stop interfering in Ethiopian internal affairs and refrain from getting involved in the conflict.

Rally in Bonn, May 17, 2019

Eritrea: Cooperation with the wider Eritrean democracy movements recommended

Intergroup discussion on Eritrea in the Bundestag

(29.06.2020) On 25 June 2020, a public intergroup zoom discussion was held at the invitation of Rudi Friedrich (Connection e.V.) and Kathrin Vogler (MdB, Die Linke). Several experts as well as members of the German parliament parties SPD, FDP and the parliamentary group Bündnis 90/Die Grünen took part in the discussion. More than 60 persons from about 10 countries were following the discussion.