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Ukraine: Tougher recruitment, but no right to conscientious objection

Connection e.V. and DFG-VK concerned about draft law

(08.02.2024) Yesterday, the Ukrainian parliament passed a draft amendment to the law on military service in its first reading that will change recruitment practices in the country. Connection e.V. and the German Peace Society – United War Resisters (DFG-VK) opposes this tightening and call on the Ukrainian government and the European Union to ensure the protection of conscientious objectors.

Ukraine: Answers to questions about conscientious objection, recruitment and residence in Germany

(31.01.2024) Since the Russian attack, over 60,000 Ukrainian soldiers have been killed and 130,000 seriously injured. The recapture of the territories occupied by Russia has not yet been successful. To fill the gaps in the army, which is currently estimated at 800,000 soldiers, Ukraine is now trying to recruit 450,000 to 500,000 new soldiers. Even many who consider the war to be justified see themselves merely as cannon fodder in this war of position and attrition from which they want to escape. They, their relatives and the German public are therefore increasingly sending enquiries to Connection e.V., which we hereby answer.


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Information for dissatisfied soldiers from Ukraine

If you’re not ready to join the fights...

Here you will find advice on what to do if you want to refuse to be recruited into the army.