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The interactive map of the international campaign #RefuseWar

News on the #ObjectWarCampaign to support deserters and conscientious objectors

Russia, Belarus, Ukraine

(30.04.2024) News on the week of action around the International Day of Conscientious Objection on May 15, and the international #RefuseWar campaign. Description and links to new action materials for the International Day of Conscientious Objection.

Ukraine: Two new conscientious objector jail terms

(30.04.2024) In late March a Lviv Region court sentenced Protestant conscientious objector Serhy Stadnitsky to a 3-year jail term for refusing mobilisation on grounds of conscience. "I don’t want to kill people," he told Forum 18, adding that "of course" he would be willing to perform alternative civilian service. Two days later, a Sumy Region court handed a Jehovah’s Witness a similar sentence. Both are due to go to prison if their appeals fail.

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Global Action #RefuseWar - Use our form

(29.04.2024) We invite you to join our international #RefuseWar campaign by declaring your opposition to military service in your country and/or your solidarity with conscientious objectors, deserters, and war resisters worldwide. This is an international public campaign aiming at interrupting the hegemonic public discourse favoring the militarization of societies worldwide, it is not an appeal to officially declare your conscientious objection to the military authorities in your country.

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#ObjectWarCampaign - #StandWithObjectors is supported by

(25.04.2024) The #ObjectWarCampaign - #StandWithObjectors is initiated by

Connection e.V., International Fellowship of Reconciliation, European Bureau for Conscientious Objection and War Resisters’ International and supported by ...