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Globale Aktion #Refuse War - In aller Kürze

(25.04.2024) Hier in aller Kürze eine Beschreibung, wie unsere Aktion #RefuseWar funktioniert und wie Sie sich an der interaktiven Karte beteiligen können. Persönliche Erklärungen veröffentlichen wir auf der interaktiven Karte #RefuseWar. Damit zeigen wir, dass wir viele sind, die sich gegen Krieg und Kriegsvorbereitung stellen!

International Action #RefuseWar – Brief Description

(25.04.2024) Here is a brief description of our #RefuseWar campaign and how you share your contribution on our interactive map where we publish personal statements against military service and in solidarity with conscientious objectors, deserters, and war resisters. That way, we demonstrate that many of us oppose militarism, war, and war preparations!

International Action #RefuseWar – Join in!

(25.04.2024) On the occasion of the International Day for Conscientious Objection, on May 15th, 2024, we are launching the international action #RefuseWar to support worldwide the refusal of war and the right to conscientious objection. Be one of us!

We collect personal statements from individuals and groups, which we publish on the interactive map #RefuseWar. Let’s demonstrate how many of us oppose war and war preparations!

UN in Geneva. Photo: Wikimedia

Connection e.V. is starting a new systematic work at the United Nations in Geneva

(16.04.2024) Starting in May 2024, Connection e.V. will begin a new systematic work to support conscientious objectors within the United Nations System in Geneva with its new consultant Zaira Zafarana. "We are very pleased," said Rudi Friedrich, Director of the conscientious objection network Connection e.V., today, "that the important work for the human right to conscientious objection to military service at the UN in Geneva can now be significantly strengthened again and further developed."