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Digest of Movement of Conscientious Objection Russia

November 2023

(November 2023) Friends, greetings to everyone! November was marked for us by a petition in support of conscientious objectors, new legislative initiatives from the Russian authorities, and both good and bad news from the Supreme Court. All of this in our monthly digest.

News der Bewegung für Kriegsdienstverweigerung

November 2023

(November 2023) Freunde, herzliche Grüße an alle! Der November war für uns geprägt von einer Petition zur Unterstützung von Kriegsdienstverweigerern, neuen Gesetzesinitiativen der russischen Behörden und sowohl guten als auch schlechten Nachrichten vom Obersten Gerichtshof. All dies findet ihr in unserer monatlichen Zusammenfassung.

Digest of Movement of Conscientious Objection Russia, August 2023

(25.10.2023) Russian authorities threaten potential conscripts with criminal liability and do not have time to complete the electronic register at military offices. MCO was nominated for a Nobel Prize. Raids on migrants continue to conscript them into war.

Action in Frankfurt, Germany

Country report: Russia

Military Service and Conscientious Objection

(08.10.2023) Military service is compulsory for citizens assigned male at birth in Russia. Since the war in Ukraine, the relevant military laws have been amended several times. In the Russian Federation, the right to conscientious objection exists, so any person can theoretically apply for conscientious objection. However, an application for conscientious objection is only possible until conscription; there is no right to conscientious objection for reservists and former soldiers. An amendment to the military law has made it possible to use alternative service conscripts in the military, too.