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About the Editors

Booklet Conscientious Objection in Turkey, 2021

(15.05.2021) Connection e.V., War Resisters International and Union Pacifiste de France

À propos des éditeur

Livret L’Objection de conscience en Turquie, 2021

(15.05.2021) Connection e.V., War Resisters International et Union Pacifiste de France

Editörler Hakkında

Kitapçık Türkiye’de Vicdani Ret - Askerliğe Hayır!

(15.05.2021) Connection e.V., War Resisters International ve Union Pacifiste de France

Murat Demiroğlu

My right to vote has been taken away

Video with conscientious objector Murat Demiroğlu

(13.05.2021) Murat Demiroğlu is a conscientious objector and graphic designer living in Istanbul. In this video he describes in detail how civilian death, the constant police checks, the ever-present threat of recruitment affect his everyday life. The video has been made by Association for Conscientious Objection (Istanbul) and published to the International Day of Conscientious Objection, May 15, 2021.

Turkish with English undertitles.

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