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(04.10.2024) Dear everyone, through this information we would like to give you an update about the #ObjectWarCampaign.

We would like to thank you for all the support we have received for the campaign over the past two years. It’s really great. We would appreciate it if you could pass this report to friends and acquaintances who might be interested in this work and the #ObjectwarCampaign as well. Thank you.

Hundreds of Israeli soldiers refuse to serve in Gaza

Newsletter of the Refuser Solidarity Network (RSN)

(22.09.2024) In the past few weeks we are seeing an unprecedented wave, hundreds of soldiers that are refusing the war in Gaza. Such waves ended Israeli wars against the Palestinians at least twice in the past.

Photo: Ruslan Kal, depositphotos

2 years after partial mobilisation: still no asylum for Russian conscientious objectors

(20.09.2024) Even two years after the partial mobilisation declared by President Putin on 21 September 2022, Russian conscientious objectors to the war in Ukraine are generally not granted asylum in Germany. Connection e.V. has now received more than a dozen negative decisions from the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF). The main argument is that there is no ‘real risk’ that they will be called up to fight in the war. ‘These are people who have decided against participating in the war of aggression, which is in violation of international law,’ said Rudi Friedrich from Connection e.V. today. ‘Instead of supporting their decision, they are being ordered to return to Russia. In this way, human resources are supplied to the Russian army.’

Zum Antikriegstag – Neuer Flyer der #ObjectWarCampaign und weitere Materialien

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(13.08.2024) Zum Antikriegstag am 1. September haben wir den Flyer der #ObjectWarCampaign überarbeitet und aktualisiert. Ihr könnt den und andere Materialien zur Unterstützung der Kriegsdienstverweiger*innen und Deserteur*innen aus Russland, Belarus und der Ukraine ab sofort bei Connection e.V. oder der DFG-VK bestellen.