#ObjectWarCampaign - Russia, Belarus, Ukraine: Protection for deserters and conscientious objectors 

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Advocacy at the UN and much more, July till October 2024

Reporting on Bolivia, Greece, Turkey, Kyrgysztan and other countries

(06.11.2024) Zaira Zafarana, international advocacy coordinator of Connection e.V. raised the issue of conscientious objection to military service in different countries during the 57th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva. She took the floor in the plenary of the Council on several occasions. Furthermore, she submitted country-based reports to UN mechanisms for upcoming reviews and reporting to the council.

Ukraine: About new 300 criminal cases against conscientious objectors

(30.10.2024) The number of new criminal cases against conscientious objectors has surged since summer 2024 after the General Prosecutor’s Office wrote to local prosecutors. About 300 conscientious objectors now face criminal investigations which could lead – if cases reach court and end in convictions – to a 3 to 5 year jail term. Of the 89 cases related to 86 individuals that have already reached trial (listed in this article), courts handed down 9 jail terms (only one conscientious objector is currently in jail), with 11 suspended sentences. Trials in 66 of the 89 known cases that have reached trial are ongoing.

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Appeal for Donations

#ObjectWar Campaign - #StandWithObjectors

(25.10.2024) Support deserters and conscientious objectors from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. Their courageous step must be strengthened. A European network of groups and organizations offers hotline, counseling, accompaniment and support in asylum procedures and advocates for deserters and refusers on a political level. For this purpose we ask for your donation on the donation account set up especially for this purpose:

IBAN DE47 5055 0020 0006 0853 77, Sparkasse Offenbach, SWIFT HELADEF1OFF

You can also donate quickly and easily online: https://en.connection-ev.org/StopWarUkraineDonations-form

Donations are tax deductible. For a donation receipt, please provide us with your address. Thank you very much for your support.

Ukraine: Recruitment offices, military detain, pressure and torture conscientious objectors

(18.10.2024) On 11 June, Recruitment Office officials tortured Adventist conscientious objector Pavlo Halagan to pressure him to accept mobilisation. "They tied me to the bed with chains and began to physically torture, punch and beat me," he complained. On 1 July, at a military camp, "one commander grabbed me by the neck", Baptist conscientious objector Kiril Berestovoi complained. "He hit me on the head, beat me around the heart." The torture lasted half an hour. Officials use psychological pressure, detention (sometimes for several months), deprivation of food, threats, and beatings.

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