#ObjectWarCampaign - Russia, Belarus, Ukraine: Protection for deserters and conscientious objectors 

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Six Russian soldiers granted French temporary entry permits after fleeing Ukraine

Organisations assisting deserters hope France’s decision will lead to more soldiers fleeing war

(17.10.2024) Six Russian soldiers who fled the war in Ukraine have been granted temporary entry permits as they apply for political asylum in France, in what human rights activists describe as the first major case of a group of deserters being admitted to a EU country.

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Photo: Zaira Zafarana

Oral statement given at the plenary of the Human Rights Council on the situaton of human rights in Ukraine

UN Human Rights Council, 57th Session

(08.10.2024) Today at the UN in Geneva on the occasion of the 57th session of the UN Human Rights Council, it took place the interactive dialogue in the plenary on the situation of human rights in Ukraine. On this occasion, Connection e.V. together with War Resisters’ International prepared and delivered in the plenary a statement addressing the situation of conscientious objectors and the prosecution of human rights defender Yurii Sheliazhenko.


(04.10.2024) Dear everyone, through this information we would like to give you an update about the #ObjectWarCampaign.

We would like to thank you for all the support we have received for the campaign over the past two years. It’s really great. We would appreciate it if you could pass this report to friends and acquaintances who might be interested in this work and the #ObjectwarCampaign as well. Thank you.

Photo: Zaira Zafarana

Oral statement given at the Interactive Dialogue on the situation of human rights in the Russian Federation

UN Human Rights Council, 57th Session

(24.09.2024) Today at the UN in Geneva on the occasion of the 57th session of the UN Human Rights Council, it took place the interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Russian Federation. On this occasion, Connection e.V. together with War Resisters’ International prepared and delivered in the plenary a statement addressing the situation of conscientious objectors, forced recruitment and the employment of conscripts in the war. Connection e.V. and War Resisters’ International reinforce the Special Rapporteur’s recommendation to the international community to “consider granting protection and asylum to conscientious objectors".